
Reducing the inducers of stress in the workplace environment is essential in developing the workforces’ team spirit, cultural interaction, and the reduction of health costs (Seaward, 2015). Physical exercises and body or mind practices have been proved as effective strategies towards the management of stress in the workplace situation, thereby fostering desirable output among employees.


Employers should focus on programs that engage employees with the aim of curtailing stress issues. This paper will propose a body exercises program for mitigating stress at the workplace environment coupled with looking at the capital outlay and benefits of the programs.

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Mind-body programs/practices

Employers need to choose programs that fit the needs of the employees regarding their stress levels (Stahl & Goldstein, 2010). Anaerobic exercise programs can be considered for the management of the employees’ health and well-being, especially in the aspect of stress. Anaerobic exercise programs, which are also known as “low impact” practices, are less vigorous than aerobics, and they take shorter periods.

Capital outlay

The capital outlay aspect of the program considers the labor and equipment elements of implementing the wellness and health program at the organization. The labor aspect can be affordable by encouraging employees, who are familiar with anaerobic exercises, to share the skill with fellow workers, thus enhancing cultural engagement. The equipment element of the program is also relatively affordable since its “low impact.” The cost of weights, mats, and other simple workout equipment can cost at least $3500 (Martin, 2014).

Since the affordability of the equipment required for anaerobic exercise program favors the stress management strategy in the workplace environment, the costs that would have been incurred by the organization in handling stress-related health issues are also minimized. This aspect implies that the organization’s financial management systems are managed effectively towards profitability.

Health Benefits of the Anaerobic Exercise Program

Engaging in anaerobic exercises has various health benefits that enhance the physical and psychological aspects of the individuals’ well-being. Anaerobic exercises improve the employees’ cardio and respiratory fitness due to the high volume of oxygen used during exercise. The ability and endurance to handle fatigue are also improved by engaging in anaerobic exercises, which implies that stress induced by fatigue is reduced in the workplace environment (Day, Kelloway, & Hurrell, 2014). Weight loss can also be achieved through anaerobic exercises due to the metabolism boosted by lean muscle movements that decrease body fat. Therefore, weight-related stress issues are mitigated, thus resulting in improved mental health conditions among employees. Thus, besides improving the employees’ flexibility and muscle strength, the anaerobic exercise program can be meaningful for stress management. This aspect fosters the healthy interaction of employees resulting in morale and commitment to goal attainment (Martin, 2014).


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Implementing the anaerobic program requires employees to choose from three kinds of exercises that include isotonic, isometrics, and calisthenics. The anaerobic workouts should be at least thrice a week in an alternate manner that should not exceed five weeks.


A single trainer is enough to facilitate the stress management and prevention of anaerobic exercises. After the 5-weeks program, the employees could conduct the program themselves, thus resulting in cost efficiency.

Total budget

The training costs for the 5-weeks program would average $ 4300, and the miscellaneous expenses $550. Adding the costs gives $8150, which is the total budget for the program.

Classmate feedback

A fitness trainer would fit best for the program due to several benefits. Having a trainer implies that employees are motivated. Besides, they develop a routine, minimize injury cases, have continued health and nutrition insights, personalized exercises, and relationship building. The preferable time for conducting the exercises would be after a work time. However, individuals can opt to have the exercis

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